ESG and Impact
The Doing Good Model
is the Arison Group’s
moral compass
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The Doing Good Model was developed by Shari Arison more than twenty
years ago, to lead businesses and organizations by maximizing their social
impact for the purpose of making the world a better place.
To implement values at the core of the day-to-day operation, DGM Inside
is a measurement tool that quantifiably and objectively measures the
degree to which a corporation succeeds in Doing Good, both inside and
outside of its value chain. DGM Inside measures and certifies companies
on the basis that Doing Good is Good Business, as measured on three
levels, the individual, the organization, and society at large.

For Individuals
DGM Inside directly measures
employees' commitment to
doing good. -
For Organizations
DGM Inside
distinguishes between
beliefs and actions. -
For Society
DGM Inside effectively
measures the organization's
social impact.